- Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery

Anne Shirley, the red haired, feisty, strong and extremely generous heroine remains one of my favorite female characters of all time. I found some scenes very funny when I first read this book. Anne is a very realistic character; she's someone many kids can relate to as they're growing up.
- Frindle by Andrew Clements

Nick is probably one of the funniest child characters I have encountered. I loved the whole concept of him inventing a new word. The word
frindle itself sounds funny.
- Judy Blume books

I used to love Judy Blume's books especially the Fudge series. I don't remember most of what happened but I do remember loving the tone of the books.
- Holes by Loius Sachar

Holes is one of the first chapter books I read and therefore holds a special place in my heart. I think the overall story line is very interesting. The fact that these kids went to a rehabilitation camp in the desert to dig holes all day appealed to me for some reason.
- Junie B. Jones books by Barbara Parks

Junie is funny, witty and charming. I loved reading through her perspective. She's one of those frustrating children one cannot help but love.
- Matilda by Roald Dahl
Matilda, the sweet and incredibly smart little girl with telekinetic power with a very moving story. The first book characters I remember truly disliking are her parents; they made me so angry! In spite of that, Matilda turned out to be a wonderful child.
- The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart

These books are full of action, suspense and friendship. The four kids Reynie, Kate, Stickie and Constance all have their own personalities but always look out for each other when needed. Their adventure is a fun one and I thoroughly enjoyed going along with them
- Ramona Quimby books by Beverly Cleary

Ramona, like Junie B. Jones, is another very funny child character you cannot help but fall in love with. She has a very active imagination and a great sense of humor. I love almost all of Beverly Cleary books but the Ramona ones are definitely my favorite.
- Sammy Keyes by Wendelin Vaan Draanen

While some people were obsessed with Nancy Drew, I was obsessed with child sleuth Sammy Keyes. Sammy is smart, bold, sassy and just awesome. She solves crimes in her small town with some very weird residents. These books are full of comedy as well as suspense. I love them!
- Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket

These books were such a wonderful journey. Violet, Klaus and Sunny are three siblings who had gone through so much but stayed strong and united throughout the whole series. I loved those three characters as friends. This was also the first big series I read so they hold a special memory as well.
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